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vor 116 Jahren fing es an.... (Netzwerktechnik)

verfasst von Hartwig(R), 24.01.2017, 20:09 Uhr

in Englisch, aber da ist zu lesen:

"On 15th of March, 1901 the patent office in Berlin granted the patent No. 118717 to the
French inventor C. Loubery [Loub_01]. It was the first notable description of a remotely con-
trolled load management system. This is why the IEEE standardization group P1901
[IEEE_09] selected this number for their name. Loubery used a multiple carrier signal, with
one frequency carrier to control one target device. The client implemented a dedicated fixed
filter to detect ‘his’ frequency. The bit rate was not very high, but it was clearly a powerline
communication. "

und etwas weiter:

"The Carrier Frequency Transmission of voice over high voltage transmission networks be-
gan in the 1920’s. The network provided a bidirectional communication channel which was
important for management and monitoring purposes, because at the beginning of electrifica-
tion, just a telephone network could not cover the communication between transformer stations
and power plants. Due to favorable transmission characteristics, low noise and relatively high
carrier frequencies (15-500 kHz), distances of up to 900 km were reached with a transmission
power of 10 W. Initially, only voice was transmitted and amplitude modulation was used.
Later, telemetering and controlling functions were also implemented."


interessant, 900km Reichweite mit 10W über Hochspannungsleitungen....(heute wohl nicht mehr)


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