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Failed to process makespec for platform 'devices/linux-rasp- (Elektronik)

verfasst von bastelix(R), 11.02.2016, 22:22 Uhr

Was mir so spontan einfällt...

» Failed to process makespec for platform 'devices/linux-rasp-pi2-g++'
» Project ERROR: Compiler /home/raspberry/raspi/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspian /bin/arm-linux-gnnueabihf-g++ not found.
ls -la /home/raspberry/raspi/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspian/bin/
-> Posten
ls /home/raspberry/raspi/tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspian/bin/arm-linux-gnnueabihf-g++
-> Posten

» Could not read qmake configuration file /home/raspberry/raspi/qtbase/mkspecs/devices/linux-rasp-pi2-g++/qmake.conf.
ls -la /home/raspberry/raspi/qtbase/mkspecs/devices/linux-rasp-pi2-g++/qmake.conf
-> Posten (ohne Punkt hinter conf)

» Error processing project file: /dev/null
Versuche herauszufinden warum hier /dev/null auftaucht, das irritiert mich.

» /home/raspberry
Du willst das nicht zufällig auf einem Raspberry compilieren?

Gesamter Thread:

Failed to process makespec for platform 'devices/linux-rasp- - carter88(R), 11.02.2016, 16:31 (Elektronik)
Failed to process makespec for platform 'devices/linux-rasp- - bastelix(R), 11.02.2016, 22:22